What Is Written Constitution?

Are you curious to know what is written constitution? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about written constitution in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is written constitution?

The concept of a written constitution is foundational to the structure and governance of a nation. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the intricacies of what a written constitution entails, exploring its significance, examples, advantages, and its role in the context of the Constitution of India.

What Is Written Constitution?

A written constitution is a legal document that serves as the supreme law of a country, explicitly detailing the fundamental principles, structures, and processes of its government. It is a tangible and codified expression of the fundamental laws that govern a nation.

What Is Written In The Constitution Of India?

The Constitution of India is a prime example of a written constitution. It meticulously outlines the fundamental rights and duties of citizens, the structure of the government, the distribution of powers, and the mechanisms for governance. Everything from the preamble to the various articles is a written embodiment of India’s constitutional framework.

What Is The Longest Written Constitution In The World?

The Constitution of India holds the distinction of being the longest written constitution globally. Enacted in 1950, it comprises a comprehensive and detailed set of articles, schedules, and amendments that encapsulate the principles and laws governing the Indian Republic.

What Is Unwritten Constitution?

In contrast to a written constitution, an unwritten constitution relies on a collection of statutes, conventions, and judicial decisions to define the governance structure. The United Kingdom exemplifies an unwritten constitution, emphasizing the significance of traditions and precedents in guiding the country’s legal framework.

What Is Written Constitution Of India?

The Written Constitution of India is a meticulously drafted legal document that serves as the supreme law of the land. Encompassing a preamble and numerous articles, it delineates the structure of the government, the rights of citizens, and the intricate checks and balances essential for a thriving democracy.

What Is Written Constitution Class 9?

For students in Class 9, understanding the concept of a written constitution is a pivotal aspect of civic education. It involves delving into the basic principles of constitutional governance, the separation of powers, and the role of citizens within the legal framework of their country.

What Is Written Constitution Class 11?

In Class 11, the study of a written constitution becomes more intricate. Students explore advanced concepts such as federalism, constitutional amendments, and the dynamic relationship between the judiciary, executive, and legislative branches.

Types Of Written Constitution

There are various types of written constitutions, including:

  • Rigid Constitution: Requires a special procedure for amendment.
  • Flexible Constitution: Allows amendments through the same process as ordinary legislation.
  • Enacted Constitution: Adopted at a specific point in time.
  • Evolved Constitution: Developed gradually over time.

What Is Written Constitution Pdf?

A Written Constitution PDF refers to an electronic version of the constitution available in Portable Document Format. This digital format enables easy accessibility, distribution, and sharing of the constitution’s text.

5 Examples Of Written Constitution

  • Constitution of the United States: A foundational document outlining the principles of the American government.
  • Constitution of India: The extensive legal framework governing the world’s largest democracy.
  • Constitution of South Africa: Emphasizes equality, human rights, and social justice.
  • Constitution of Japan: Enacted post-World War II, defining the country’s postwar governance.
  • Constitution of Australia: A federal constitutional monarchy outlining the nation’s political structure.

Advantages Of Written Constitution

The advantages of a written constitution include:

  • Clarity: Clearly defines the powers, rights, and responsibilities of the government and citizens.
  • Legitimacy: Provides a legal foundation for governance, establishing the government’s authority.
  • Judicial Review: Enables the judiciary to review laws for constitutional compliance, ensuring justice and fairness.
  • Stability: Offers stability and continuity by providing a foundational framework for governance.


In conclusion, a written constitution serves as the bedrock of a nation’s legal and political structure. The Constitution of India, as an exemplar, demonstrates the depth and complexity that a written constitution can embody. From its advantages to types and examples, the concept of a written constitution holds immense significance in shaping the democratic fabric of nations, ensuring adherence to fundamental principles and ideals.


What Is The Meaning Of Written Constitution?

A Constitution that has been systematically and meticulously written down and embodied in a single document is known as a Written Constitution.

What Is Written Constitution Wikipedia?

Within states, a constitution defines the principles upon which the state is based, the procedure in which laws are made and by whom. Some constitutions, especially codified constitutions, also act as limiters of state power, by establishing lines which a state’s rulers cannot cross, such as fundamental rights.

Why Was The Constitution Written In English?

The Constitution is a living document that has undergone several amendments to adapt to the changing needs of the country. It was written in English, which is considered as the language of the educated elite, and it was the language of the ruling British government during the colonial period.

What Is Constitution Short Notes?

A constitution is defined as the set of written rules, that are accepted by all the people living together in a country. It determines the relationship between the people and the government.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Written Constitution

What Is Written In Constitution Of India

What Is Written In The Constitution Of India

What Is The Longest Written Constitution In The World

What Is Unwritten Constitution

What Is Written Constitution Of India

What Is Written Constitution Class 9

What Is Written Constitution Class 11

Types Of Written Constitution

What Is Written Constitution Pdf

5 Examples Of Written Constitution

Advantages Of Written Constitution

What Is Written Constitution