What Is Reaction Turbine?

Are you curious to know what is reaction turbine? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about reaction turbine in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is reaction turbine?

In the realm of engineering and power generation, the reaction turbine stands as a marvel of innovation—a device designed to efficiently convert the kinetic energy of moving fluids into mechanical power. This sophisticated machinery plays a pivotal role in hydroelectric plants, contributing to the generation of renewable energy through water’s force and movement.

What Is Reaction Turbine?

A reaction turbine is a type of hydraulic turbine designed to operate with a continuous flow of fluid, commonly water or steam. It functions based on the principle of both impulse and reaction, harnessing the energy from the fluid’s pressure and velocity to rotate its blades and generate mechanical power.

Key Components And Operation:

  • Rotor Blades: Reaction turbines consist of a rotor with curved blades designed to facilitate the flow of fluid. These blades are shaped to direct the fluid’s flow and extract energy from it.
  • Fluid Interaction: As the fluid enters the turbine, it impacts the rotor blades, causing a change in momentum. The fluid pressure decreases, and its kinetic energy is transferred to the blades, causing them to rotate.
  • Multi-Stage Design: Some reaction turbines employ multiple stages, where the fluid passes through several sets of rotor blades, maximizing energy extraction and efficiency.

Types Of Reaction Turbines:

  • Francis Turbine: The Francis turbine is one of the most common types of reaction turbines, suitable for medium to high head applications. It operates efficiently with both high flow rates and moderate heads, making it versatile for various hydroelectric power plants.
  • Kaplan Turbine: The Kaplan turbine is ideal for low head and high flow rate conditions, featuring adjustable blades that allow for efficient operation across a wide range of water flow and pressure conditions.

Applications And Significance:

  • Hydropower Generation: Reaction turbines play a pivotal role in hydroelectric power plants, converting the energy of flowing water into electricity, contributing to renewable and sustainable energy production.
  • Industrial Applications: Beyond power generation, reaction turbines find use in various industrial processes, such as water pumping, irrigation systems, and wastewater treatment plants.

Advantages And Impact:

  • Efficiency: Reaction turbines are known for their high efficiency in converting fluid energy into mechanical power, contributing to the overall effectiveness of hydroelectric power generation.
  • Renewable Energy: By harnessing the power of moving fluids, especially water, reaction turbines contribute significantly to the utilization of renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.


The innovation and efficiency of reaction turbines stand as a testament to mankind’s ability to harness natural forces for sustainable energy production. These remarkable machines, through their intricate design and operation, play a pivotal role in the generation of clean, renewable energy, shaping a more sustainable future for power generation worldwide.

As technology continues to advance, and the demand for clean energy grows, the significance of reaction turbines in facilitating the transition towards sustainable power solutions remains pivotal, driving us toward a more environmentally conscious and energy-efficient future.


What Is The Theory Of Reaction Turbine?

The hydraulic isothermal pressure reduction turbine consists of two tanks filled with water or an organic liquid. The pressurized gas enters the tank, displacing the liquid, which flows through a turbine, generating electricity.

What Is Impulse Turbine And Reaction Turbine?

The moving blades of impulse turbines do not have a change in flow area. They do not therefore change the velocity of the steam but only change its direction. The moving blades of reaction turbines do have a change in flow area. They are shaped like nozzles and act to accelerate the steam as it passes through them.

What Is The Advantage Of Reaction Turbine?

As the water flows through the turbine blades, its pressure decreases, and it gains velocity, causing the blades to rotate. Reaction turbines are known for their high efficiency, ability to work with varying water flow rates and suitability for low to medium-head applications.

What Is Person’s Reaction Turbine?

In Parson’s reaction turbine, the steam is first expanded by a ring of fixed blades and then directed to a ring of moving blades, whereas, the direction of steam is altered for the first stage.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Reaction Turbine And Impulse Turbine

Reaction Turbine Example

Difference Between Impulse And Reaction Turbine

What Is Reaction Turbine Pdf

Types Of Reaction Turbine

Application Of Reaction Turbine

Advantages Of Reaction Turbine

Impulse Turbine

What Is Reaction Turbine