What Is Isochoric Process?

Are you curious to know what is isochoric process? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about isochoric process in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is isochoric process?

Thermodynamics, a branch of physics that deals with energy and heat transfer, encompasses various processes that define the behavior of substances. One such process is the Isochoric Process. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Isochoric Process, its formula, constant parameters, and practical examples.

What Is Isochoric Process?

The Isochoric Process is a thermodynamic process in which the volume of the system remains constant. In simpler terms, during an Isochoric Process, the substance undergoes changes without any alteration in its volume. This particular process is crucial in understanding the thermodynamic behavior of gases and other substances.

Isobaric Process Vs. Isochoric Process

Before we dive deeper into the Isochoric Process, it’s essential to distinguish it from the Isobaric Process. While both involve changes in thermodynamic variables, the key difference lies in volume. In an Isobaric Process, the pressure remains constant, whereas in an Isochoric Process, the volume remains unchanged.

Isochoric Process Formula

The mathematical representation of the Isochoric Process involves fundamental thermodynamic parameters. The formula for the Isochoric Process is expressed as:



  • Q represents the heat transferred,
  • n is the number of moles of the substance,
  • Cv denotes the molar specific heat at constant volume,
  • ΔT signifies the change in temperature.

Understanding and applying this formula is crucial for analyzing and predicting the behavior of substances undergoing an Isochoric Process.

Adiabatic Process And Isochoric Process

In thermodynamics, an Adiabatic Process is one in which no heat is exchanged with the surroundings. While Isochoric and Adiabatic Processes might seem similar, they differ in terms of volume change. An Isochoric Process has constant volume, whereas an Adiabatic Process can have varying volume with no heat exchange.

In Isochoric Process, What Is Constant?

During an Isochoric Process, certain thermodynamic parameters remain constant. The primary constant in an Isochoric Process is the volume (V). As the volume does not change, other variables like pressure (P) and temperature (T) experience alterations to maintain the equilibrium of the system.

Isochoric Process Example

To grasp the concept better, let’s consider an example. Imagine a sealed container with a fixed volume. If heat is applied to the gas inside without allowing the volume to change, the process can be classified as Isochoric. This scenario is often encountered in laboratories and industrial processes, providing a practical application of the Isochoric Process.

What Is Isochoric Process Class 11

For students studying thermodynamics at the Class 11 level, understanding the Isochoric Process is fundamental. It forms the basis for comprehending more complex thermodynamic concepts. Teachers often introduce students to the Isochoric Process to lay the groundwork for further exploration of thermodynamics in higher classes.

Work Done In Isochoric Process

The work done in an Isochoric Process is a crucial aspect to consider. As the volume remains constant (ΔV=0), the work done (W) can be expressed as:


In an Isochoric Process, the absence of volume change results in zero work done, simplifying the calculations and analysis of the system.


In conclusion, the Isochoric Process in thermodynamics is a fascinating aspect that sheds light on how substances behave under specific conditions. From its definition to the formula and practical applications, understanding the Isochoric Process is essential for students, researchers, and professionals in the field of thermodynamics. By grasping the intricacies of this process, we pave the way for a deeper comprehension of the underlying principles governing the behavior of gases and substances.


What Is Meant By Isochoric Process?

A thermodynamic process taking place at constant volume is known as the isochoric process. It is also called an isometric process or constant-volume process. The term isochoric has been derived from the Greek words “iso” meaning “constant” or “equal”, and “choric”, meaning “space” or “volume.”

What Are The Isochoric And Isobaric Processes?

An isobaric process is a process where the pressure of the system does not change, whereas an isochoric process is a process where the volume of the system does not change.

What Is Isochoric Process Example Class 11?

The process, during which the volume of the system remains constant, is an isochoric process. Heating of a gas in a closed cylinder is an example of the isochoric process. The change in temperature for a given amount of heat is determined by the specific heat of the gas at a constant volume.

What Is Q In Isochoric Process?

Equation of first law of thermodynamics an isochoric process isDelta Q=WDelta U=WDelta U+W=0Delta Q=Delta U.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Isochoric Process In Thermodynamics

Isobaric Process

Isochoric Process Formula

Adiabatic Process

In Isochoric Process What Is Constant

Isochoric Process Example

What Is Isochoric Process Class 11

Work Done In Isochoric Process

What Is Isochoric Process