What Is A Rejoinder In Law?

Are you curious to know what is a rejoinder in law? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a rejoinder in law in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a rejoinder in law?

In the realm of legal proceedings, the language and procedures can often be complex and filled with technical jargon. One such term that might leave many non-lawyers scratching their heads is “rejoinder.” In this blog, we will demystify this legal term, explaining what a rejoinder is, its role in legal proceedings, and why it’s crucial for a fair and just legal system.

What Is A Rejoinder In Law?

A rejoinder, in the context of law, refers to a response or reply filed by one party in a legal dispute to answer the arguments, claims, or allegations presented by the opposing party in their pleading, which is often called a “reply” or “counter-affidavit.” In essence, a rejoinder is a way for the responding party to address and rebut the issues raised in the initial pleading.

Key Features Of A Rejoinder:

  1. Response to the Opposing Party’s Claims: A rejoinder specifically addresses the points raised by the opposing party in their initial pleading, such as a plaint, petition, or complaint.
  2. Counter-Arguments: It includes counter-arguments, evidence, or legal precedents to challenge or refute the claims made by the other party.
  3. Procedural Step: Filing a rejoinder is a formal procedural step in many legal systems, and it typically has a specific time frame within which it must be submitted.
  4. Maintains Due Process: The concept of a rejoinder ensures that both parties have an opportunity to present their arguments, evidence, and counter-arguments, which is essential for upholding the principles of due process and fairness.

Why Are Rejoinders Important?

Rejoinders serve several vital purposes within the legal system:

  1. Ensuring Fairness: Rejoinders are crucial for maintaining the principle of procedural fairness and due process. They provide both parties with an equal opportunity to present their case and respond to the opposing party’s claims.
  2. Clarity and Resolution: Rejoinders help in clarifying the issues in dispute and may lead to the resolution of conflicts through legal proceedings, thus reducing the need for protracted litigation.
  3. Preventing Surprise: They prevent one party from surprising the other with new claims or evidence at later stages of the legal process, as all arguments and evidence must be presented in the relevant pleadings.
  4. Efficiency: By allowing parties to respond to each other’s arguments in an organized and structured manner, rejoinders contribute to the efficiency of legal proceedings.
  5. Consistency: They contribute to the consistency and integrity of the legal system, as both parties are held accountable for their claims and must support them with valid legal and factual arguments.


In the intricate world of law, rejoinders play a pivotal role in ensuring the fairness and integrity of legal proceedings. These formal responses enable parties to present their side of the case, counter the arguments of the opposing party, and contribute to the resolution of disputes through the legal system. Understanding the concept of rejoinders is not only beneficial for legal professionals but also for anyone seeking to navigate the complex landscape of legal procedures and proceedings.


What Is The Purpose Of A Rejoinder?

Filing of a Rejoinder is also essential to explain the issues and project the correct position of the party with respect to the new submissions averred by the other party in its pleading. Therefore, a Rejoinder may include response to the new facts raised through the affidavit filed by the party.

What Is An Example Of A Rejoinder?

A rejoinder usually means a witty comeback. If someone asks you a silly question like, “Are you painting?” when you are holding a paint can and a brush, your rejoinder could be, “No, I’m just doing my nails.” The word rejoinder comes from the Middle French word rejoindre, which meant to answer a legal charge.

What Is The Time Limit For Filing Rejoinder?

Rule 7(x) of the IPD Rules lays down that the rejoinder to a reply filed by the respondent in an original petition is to be filed within the period prescribed by the Court or within 30 days from the date on which the Court directs the filing of such rejoinder.

What Does It Mean To Rejoinder?

rejoinder. / (rɪˈdʒɔɪndə) / noun. a reply or response to a question or remark, esp a quick witty one; retort. law (in pleading) the answer made by a defendant to the claimant’s reply.

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