Physical Therapy Help For COVID 19 Recovery And Rehabilitation

COVID-19 took so much from us all. After months of uncertainty and lockdowns, many now cope with complications for months after initially contracting the virus. If you are dealing with the ongoing physical and emotional impacts of COVID-19, take heart! Physical therapy provides significant relief. 

If you are dealing with these post-covid symptoms, you are an excellent candidate for physical therapy rehab.

  • Impaired muscle strength
  • Lowered heart and lung capacity
  • Body pain, especially in the chest and back
  • Balance problems and fear of falling
  • Decreased endurance
  • Less ability to walk
  • Loss of function and less independence
  • Brain fog, focus issues, and trouble concentrating
  • Digestive issues
  • Problems with sleeping, getting to sleep, staying asleep all night, and trouble waking up
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Chest pain
  • Respiratory issues, ongoing cough, trouble taking a deep breath, 
  • Flu-like symptoms

If so, physical therapy can help relieve symptoms and support your body on your healing journey. Free yourself from the effects of COVID with just a few physical therapy sessions!

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What to Expect from COVID-19 Rehabilitation Physical Therapy

It all begins with a comprehensive assessment. Your physical therapist will analyze your symptoms and listen to your story to determine which therapies will work best in combination for you. For COVID-19 rehab, your treatment plan could include therapies and processes like:

  • Hands-on manual therapy
  • Breathing control and retraining to strengthen your breathing muscles
  • Chest wall mobility and torso flexibility
  • Strengthening your upper and lower body
  • Stretching for increased range of motion, flexibility, and mobility
  • Balance improvement and fall reduction strategies 
  • Relaxation techniques and treatments like massage
  • Energy conservation techniques
  • Activity modification
  • Diaphragm stretching and release
  • Targeted exercise training

Right from the start, your physical therapist will work to reduce your symptoms and make you more comfortable. Your treatment begins in that first appointment, often with passive hands-on manual therapy to help you feel better right away. 

Your physical therapy plan will probably change as frequently as from one week to the next. As you recover, get stronger, and have less pain, your physical therapist adjusts your therapies. You will move forward into more active strengthening treatments while always making sure you stay safe.

When to Choose Physical Therapy for COVID-19 Recovery 

Most people recover from the virus with few lingering effects. Weakness and deconditioning are common issues that hand on after COVID-19. Added to pain and stiffness, this makes for daily discomfort. Most patients know that they just aren’t back to where they were before they got sick. Some end up missing work or having trouble keeping up with responsibilities at home even after the initial symptoms disappear.

If you still have symptoms two weeks after your initial virus symptoms subside, you can boost your recovery with some physical therapy sessions. You’ll feel better during the rehab period, and you’ll speed up your ultimate recovery time. 

If you had a confirmed COVID-19 infection, recovered from the initial illness, but still suffer from symptoms, physical therapy in Bedford, TX can help. Contact an expert physical therapist at Barkman & Smith for more information, so you can start feeling better soon!

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